In Britain, more than 1.8 thousand cases of infection were detected per day SARS-CoV-2

In Britain, over the past day, 1813 new cases of coronavirus infection have been identified. This is evidenced by the data released on September 5 by the Ministry of Health of the country. Follow the developments in the broadcast: Coronavirus in the world: countries continue to fight the pandemic - all the news According to the latest data, the total number of detected cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the country was 344,164. It is noted that since the beginning of the pandemic in Britain, 41,549 people have died from COVID-19, over the past day 12 patients. According to the news agency, on September 5, the press service of the Ministry of Health of Belarus reported that the number of detected cases of coronavirus infection in the country reached 72,663. See also: The Ministry of Health of Belarus reported on the epidemiological situation with COVID-19



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